Object = "{C1A8AF28-1257-101B-8FB0-0020AF039CA3}#1.1#0"; "MCI32.OCX"
Object = "{22D6F304-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}#1.0#0"; "msdxm.ocx"
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
Begin VB.Form AlarmForm
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "daN's Alarmclock"
ClientHeight = 4575
ClientLeft = 5010
ClientTop = 4245
ClientWidth = 5805
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Icon = "Alarm.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form2"
MaxButton = 0 'False
PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder
ScaleHeight = 4575
ScaleWidth = 5805
StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1
Left = 5160
Top = 1440
_ExtentX = 847
_ExtentY = 847
_Version = 393216
Begin VB.ComboBox cbotrack
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H0000C000&
Height = 315
Left = 2775
TabIndex = 12
Top = 3630
Width = 615
Begin MCI.MMControl MMCtrlCD
Height = 495
Left = 1440
TabIndex = 11
Top = 3120
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 2370
_ExtentX = 4180
_ExtentY = 873
_Version = 393216
PrevEnabled = -1 'True
NextEnabled = -1 'True
PlayEnabled = -1 'True
PauseEnabled = -1 'True
StopEnabled = -1 'True
EjectEnabled = -1 'True
BackVisible = 0 'False
StepVisible = 0 'False
RecordVisible = 0 'False
Shareable = -1 'True
DeviceType = "CDAudio"
FileName = ""
Begin VB.CommandButton Snooze
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H0000C000&
Caption = "S&nooze"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 27.75
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 675
Left = 180
MaskColor = &H00000000&
Style = 1 'Graphical
TabIndex = 1
Top = 2430
Width = 5460
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H0000C000&
Caption = "E&xit"
Height = 375
Left = 4455
MaskColor = &H00000000&
Style = 1 'Graphical
TabIndex = 9
Top = 3480
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdOpen
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H0000C000&
Caption = "&Open"
Height = 375
Left = 4455
Style = 1 'Graphical
TabIndex = 8
Top = 3150
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1215
VB.Frame fraSetAlarm
BackColor = &H00000000&
Caption = "Set alarm"
ForeColor = &H0000C000&
Height = 735
Left = 360
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1560
Width = 2055
Begin VB.CheckBox chkAlarmBox
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H0000C000&
Height = 375
Left = 120
TabIndex = 7
Top = 240
Width = 255
Begin VB.TextBox txtAlarmTime
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 285
Left = 360
TabIndex = 6
Text = "Enter alarm time"
Top = 295
Width = 1575
Begin VB.Frame fraAlarmSound
BackColor = &H00000000&
Caption = "Select alarm to sound"
ForeColor = &H0000C000&
Height = 735
Left = 2520
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1560
Width = 2775
Begin VB.ComboBox cboAlarmSound
BackColor = &H00000000&
ForeColor = &H0000C000&
Height = 315
ItemData = "Alarm.frx":0442
Left = 120
List = "Alarm.frx":044F
TabIndex = 4
Text = "Pick one of the following"
Top = 290
Width = 2535
Begin VB.Timer Timer1
Interval = 1000
Left = 5302
Top = 623
Begin MediaPlayerCtl.MediaPlayer mpMP3WAV
Height = 615
Left = 135
TabIndex = 10
Top = 3150
Width = 4215
AudioStream = -1
AutoSize = 0 'False
AutoStart = -1 'True
AnimationAtStart= -1 'True
AllowScan = -1 'True
AllowChangeDisplaySize= -1 'True
AutoRewind = -1 'True
Balance = 0
BaseURL = ""
BufferingTime = 5
CaptioningID = ""
ClickToPlay = -1 'True
CursorType = 0
CurrentPosition = -1
CurrentMarker = 0
DefaultFrame = ""
DisplayBackColor= 0
DisplayForeColor= 16777215
DisplayMode = 0
DisplaySize = 4
Enabled = -1 'True
EnableContextMenu= -1 'True
EnablePositionControls= -1 'True
EnableFullScreenControls= 0 'False
EnableTracker = -1 'True
Filename = ""
InvokeURLs = -1 'True
Language = -1
Mute = 0 'False
PlayCount = 30
PreviewMode = 0 'False
Rate = 1
SAMILang = ""
SAMIStyle = ""
SAMIFileName = ""
SelectionStart = -1
SelectionEnd = -1
SendOpenStateChangeEvents= -1 'True
SendWarningEvents= -1 'True
SendErrorEvents = -1 'True
SendKeyboardEvents= 0 'False
SendMouseClickEvents= 0 'False
SendMouseMoveEvents= 0 'False
SendPlayStateChangeEvents= -1 'True
ShowCaptioning = 0 'False