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2010-4-1 8:34:00原创 【字体:


本毕业设计的题目是医药库存管理系统的开发与实现,此系统是根据XXX医院下属药厂会计人员的实际需求,利用Visual Basic 6.0语言和Microsoft Access 2003数据库开发完成的一个实用系统。



















The graduation project is the subject of pharmaceutical inventory management systems, based on the needs of the accounting staff of XXX.The main content is to use Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition and Microsoft Access 2003 set for the user to develop medicine storage management, which contains database management, inventory management, query functions and so on. Development methodology used in the prototype method, based on user’s needs, to change the status of manual-work. The practicality of the system is its most prominent feature,which is the significance of graduate study design and innovation.  

In this paper, combining the current inventory management system of Chinese medicine development of the status quo, starts from the development of the background to expound the purpose of the system development and design of the whole system; through a detailed analysis of the needs of users on the system where practical features. The full text of system development in accordance with the basic steps to introduce himself in charge of the log management, storage management, statements, printing, data management, general ledger systems analysis of functional modules and the development and design experience. At the same time, stating the further improvements that can be made to make the system more perfect.








Keywords:  Stock ManagementDatebaseVB languageDrug Administration


摘要... 1

Abstract 2

1.引言... 4

2         系统概述... 4

2.1 国内外医药库存管理系统发展现状... 4

2.2课题背景... 4

2.3  开发意义... 4

2.4 系统开发工具介绍... 4

3.系统分析... 5

3.1  系统需求分析... 5

3.2 系统功能分析... 6

3.3 数据库的需求分析... 8

3.4  小组分工安排... 8

4  系统设计... 8

4.1  数据库设计... 8

4.1.1  数据库概念结构设计... 8

4.1.2  数据库逻辑结构设计... 9

4.1.3  数据库物理结构设计... 10

4.2 系统登录模块设计... 10

4.3 系统菜单模块设计... 11

4.4 入库管理模块设计... 11

4.4.1入库登记模块设计... 11

4.4.2 入库统计模块设计... 13

4.5  报表打印模块设计... 13

4.6  数据管理模块设计... 14

4.7  总账系统模块设计... 15

4.8  帮助模块设计... 16

5  系统实施... 16

5.1系统开发软硬件环境... 16

5.2入库登记功能实现... 16

5.3 打印报表功能实现... 18

5.4 数据备份功能实现... 19

5.5 系统功能实现... 19

6  系统测试... 20

7  结论... 20

参考文献... 21




这次毕业设计我们采用Visual Basic 6.0AccessXXX的会计人员开发了医药库存管理系统,用来解决会计人员的办公自动化问题,实现库存登记管理的电算化、信息化。目前市场上流行的医药库存管理系统不少。但是,对于具体的企业单位来说,因为具有自己的工作流程和模式,所以大多根据自身需求单独开发医药库存管理系统软件。

因为整个系统的开发过程以及贯穿始终的开发主导思想都是依托用户需求,所以我们必须尽力去实现用户所要求的功能,而用户需求涉及许多细节问题,这样加大了开发难度。此外,系统的开发工具Visual Basic我们之前并没有真正学习过,程序的开发靠我们自学完成,钻研与借鉴相结合。

2  系统概述

2.1 国内外医药库存管理系统发展现状





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